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OCT-NOV 2024

2 Month Weekly Live and Online Workshop Series for Connection and Sober Ecstasy - Raw Revelation 

Ecstasy From Within

Sober Sex that feels like you're high

Here at Unistasy I serve to initiate you into higher states of pleasure. I help you to feel empowered and confident to explore your most desired sex life. After years of chemsex or only being able to relax on alcohol or weed it can be a struggle to enjoy sober sex or even imagine that it can get just as amazing. The reality is there are realms of sexual experiences that are incredibly, unfathomably fulfilling and blissful while healing every area of your life. Something that sex on substances just won’t be able to do long term. There for I offer tantra massages, tantra sex dates & pleasure based tantra workshops & courses.

  • Feel empowered and confident during sexual experiences
  • Come into a healing space in which you can be your full self while being accepted & understood
  • Even if you don’t use substances my services will help you connect to your pleasure body and experience higher states of pleasure while releasing fears, blockages & shame 
  • Be able to say: “I love being sober”

About Me 

About me Kasey Joyce
About me Kasey Joyce
About me Kasey Joyce

About Me

I am Kasey Joyce. As soon as I turned 18 I started to work at the strip club & at 19 I went on to work as an escort. I write escort to sound more elegant but I really was a plain old prostitute. Then I went on to do porn. I wanted to explore everything around sex. For me it was easy and fun and like the most natural thing to do. There was really nothing better that I could think of to do with my life than be in pleasure all day long. I still believe that today.


I had lots of one-night stands and when I was out clubbing in Berlin I went full out on group sex, kinks, chem-sex, etc. etc. etc. staying awake for days and emerging fully into the clubbing life. On my 20th birthday, I met my first real boyfriend with whom I continued everything that I just stated in the last sentence, just together.


At 22 I met another man and fell in love with him which concluded to me entering a transformational polyamorous relationship with two boyfriends. In the same year, I came across the Vita Love, Sex & Relationship Program with a tantric approach by Layla Martin. I’ve watched her YouTube videos since I was 16 and something about the transmission she gave between the lines of what she was saying touched me deeply. Many times I’ve watched her videos and cried and didn't really know why.


So when I saw her program it was a Hell Yes for me and still one of the best decisions of my life. I learned sex is sooooo much more than what I thought it was. I healed, I connected to myself & transformed fully in how I have sex today. I now have conscious sex from deep heart opened emotional slow to primal witchy with psychedelic visions immersed in whatever spontaneous kinks arise. And there is still so much more to explore.

Long story short, I have had a LOT of sexual experiences in so many different ways and with so many different types of people. Together with the knowledge and tools of the Vita program I have become very skilled in using sexual energy to live an orgasmically enriching sober life. 

For me, sex is simple, ecstatic, magical & powerful. I am known for bringing ease into the topic and creating safe spaces around it. Whatever sex-related fantasy you think you have to feel shameful for I probably have already done it. So feel free to come into my judge-free zone and release that shame so that you can live your most desired sex life with confidence and ease.

My Mission: Spark & Celebrate Pleasure everywhere I go.


  • 45 min

  • 3 hr 30 min

    1,500 euros

  • 2 hr 30 min

    500 euros

  • Fri

    1 hr

    12 euros

Uchenna Jonas (1:1 Coaching) 

Ich hatte das große Glück, an diesem persönlichen Coaching mit Kasey teilnehmen zu dürfen und ich muss sagen, dass es eine absolute Bereicherung für mein Leben war und auch heute noch ist. Von Selbstliebe über Persönlichkeitsentwicklung bis hin zu Finanzbildung, die Themen waren vielfältig und unglaublich lehrreich.

Die Coachingsitzungen waren nicht nur informativ, sondern auch sehr persönlich und individuell auf meine Bedürfnisse abgestimmt. Die offene und vertrauensvolle Atmosphäre hat es mir leicht gemacht, mich auf die Prozesse einzulassen, aus meiner Komfortzone herauszutreten und auch über sehr intime Themen zu sprechen. Kasey hat hierbei unglaublich gutes Fingerspitzengefühl und gibt dir niemals das Gefühl, falsch zu sein - alles darf an- und ausgesprochen werden.

Die verschiedenen Übungen und Techniken, die ich im Coaching gelernt habe, wende ich nun regelmäßig an und sehe bereits positive Veränderungen in meinem Alltag. Ich fühle mich selbstbewusster, ausgeglichener und motivierter, meine Ziele zu verfolgen. Nicht nur hat dieses Coaching mein Verständnis für mich selbst und meine Potenziale erweitert, es hat auch meine Perspektive auf Finanzen und den Umgang mit Geld nachhaltig verändert.

Ob du dich in einer persönlichen Krise befindest, nach Klarheit suchst oder einfach nur ein bisschen mehr Selbstliebe in dein Leben bringen möchtest - ich kann dir ein Coaching wärmstens empfehlen. Die Investition in dich selbst ist die beste, die du machen kannst. Ich bin dankbar für diese Erfahrung und freue mich auf die weiteren positiven Veränderungen, die noch kommen werden! Vielen Dank, liebe Kasey! 🙏😊


Berlin, Germany

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